Pocket Guide to Netherlands East Indies adalah buku panduan bagi tentara Amerika yang datang ke Indonesia. Dalam tulisan sebanyak 78 halaman ini, khusus untuk Sumatera Timur dimuat 2 buah lukisan Karo. A Pocket Guide to Netherlands East Indies For use of Militlary Personnel only. Not to be republished, in whole or in part, without the consent of the War Department. WAR AND NAVY DEPARTMENTS WASHINGTON, D.C. Prepared by SPECIAL SERVICE DIVISION, ARMY SERVICE FORCES UNITED STATES ARMY Pada halaman 6 ada dituliskan : If you except some tribes in Sumatra and in the eastern part of the island the chief Indonesian characteristic is to live in peace and harmony with his fellows, his god, his surroundings, and himself. He doesn't want to push other people around, conquer more land or offend the beliefs of others. Intolerance, oppression or an overbearing attitude he dislikes strongly, and is very likely to get tough about it. This world needs, and will always nee...