Pocket Guide to Netherlands East Indies adalah buku panduan bagi tentara Amerika yang datang ke Indonesia. Dalam tulisan sebanyak 78 halaman ini, khusus untuk Sumatera Timur dimuat 2 buah lukisan Karo.
A Pocket Guide to
East Indies
For use of Militlary Personnel only. Not to be republished, in whole or in part, without the consent of the War Department.
Prepared by
Pada halaman 6 ada dituliskan :
If you except some tribes in Sumatra and in the eastern part of the island the chief Indonesian characteristic is to live in peace and harmony with his fellows, his god, his surroundings, and himself. He doesn't want to push other people around, conquer more land or offend the beliefs of others. Intolerance, oppression or an overbearing attitude he dislikes strongly, and is very likely to get tough about it. This world needs, and will always need, more people like that.
If you except some tribes in Sumatra and in the eastern part of the island the chief Indonesian characteristic is to live in peace and harmony with his fellows, his god, his surroundings, and himself. He doesn't want to push other people around, conquer more land or offend the beliefs of others. Intolerance, oppression or an overbearing attitude he dislikes strongly, and is very likely to get tough about it. This world needs, and will always need, more people like that.
Pada halaman 14 ada dituliskan :
The Sumatrans. In Sumatra, perhaps the best known people are the Achinese, or Atjehs, who live at the northwest tip of the island. From earliest days they fought the Dutch. Finally, after a 35-year war, which ended in 1908, they were subdued, but even since then Dutch troops had to be stationed in their territory. The Achinese are perhaps the strictest Moslems in the Indies. If you get into their territory, be careful about respecting their customs and beliefs.
Somewhat to the east of them are the Bataks. They are isolated folk who still hold to their ancestral religion, though some of them have been converted to Islam (as the Moslems call their religion), and others to Christianity. The Christians are mainly in the region of beautiful Lake Toba, but the missionaries have been largely German, which means that the Bataks have had considerable Nazi propaganda dished out to them. The non-Christian Bataks are still suspicious of strangers, and until recently, war was one of their main pursuits.
Around the Padang region of West Sumatra are the Minangkabaus. Though they too are Moslems, they still practice some of their older social and religious customs. They trace their descent from their mother's side instead of from the father's side as we do. Women own the main property; children are reared in their mother's family.
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